Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

when your only option is to cry.

Erwin Aguila


I don’t know exactly where you are right now.

Maybe you’re heading to work, studying for a long exam, looking for a job or just trying to get through the day. Maybe you’re scrolling through here for a way to sort out your feelings.

You might be in your 20s or 30s, thinking about starting a family, or maybe you’re already a grandparent.

I don’t know what you’re feeling at this very moment. You could be happy, or maybe you’re battling a wave of fear. You might be feeling down because no one reached out today or smiling because you have friends who always have your back.

Maybe life feels like a mess right now — like everything is more complicated than it needs to be.

Maybe it feels like the world is against you, like a storm of chaos is raining down, and you’re afraid that at any moment, it’ll crush you.

But one thing I knew is you want to get out there — escapeless feeling.

Life isn’t easy. It’s real, and it’s tough. We’re all out here trying to build the life we want, facing challenges no one could have predicted. We’re battling through, sometimes alone, in the quiet hours of the night, pouring out our emotions into a pillow, where no one can hear us.

That’s the weight of silent struggles.

I want to share something with you…

Life is really tough. I didn’t expect it to be this way either. Everything feels heavier. Responsibilities pile up, and sometimes it feels like all you want to do is run away from it all.

I finished school, but I didn’t graduate yet because of some project errors. But you know what? I don’t regret it.

That downtime gave me a lot to think about. I realized that if I just sit around, waiting for fate to take over, nothing’s going to change. Life isn’t going to transform on its own.

Out of boredom in late July, I made a list of dreams, goals, and how I could make them happen. And yeah, most of them are way harder than I first imagined.


The closer I get to those dreams, the more drained I feel.

The faster I run toward my goals, the more doubts seem to creep in.

The more hungry I get for success, the more cluttered my mind becomes.

That’s just how life is. The more you want something, the harder it can be to reach. There’s no such thing as instant success (except maybe with those microwavable meals).

Life is like a giant grinder. The more you push against it, the more it hurts, the more you feel pain, and yes, the more tears you might shed.

But if you do nothing, things only get worse. If you don’t take action, life becomes even sadder than you thought it could be.

I know it’s hard. I know how tough it is to carry all those burdens. I know you’ve been facing the same struggles for a year, maybe even longer.

And sometimes, crying is the only way to let some of that weight go.

So cry. Cry like no one’s watching. Cry like it’s your last chance to get it all out.

But here’s the thing: one day, your eyes will dry, and your pillow will stay dry too. Because you’ll grow stronger. You’ll be more resilient than you think.

Cry but wake up stronger.

And when that day comes, take a moment to tap yourself on the shoulder and say, “You’re amazing. I love you.”

Because in this world, there’s one person who will never leave you, and that’s you.

That’s all.

I love you.



Erwin Aguila

Engineer & Writer | Specializing in Engineering Design & SEO Content | Connecting the dots between tech and storytelling